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Lunch Box News

  • 5 Summer Vacations Your Tween Won’t Hate

    5 Summer Vacations Your Tween Won’t Hate

     What tween wants to go on a family vacation when she could stay home and text her pals? Not to mention, avoid the sheer humiliation of being seen with...

    Michele B |

  • Veggie Lunchbox

    Sneak Veggies Into Your Kids Meals

    Can't get your kids to eat their veggies? Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have a cunning plan. They suggest you discreetly add broccoli, zucchini and all that other green stuff...

    Jane Action |

  • Kid Scientists

    Kids are Like Scientists, and Not Just Mad Ones

    We commonly refer to something simple as mere child's play. However, researchers at the Massachusetts of Technology and Stanford University say there is nothing "mere" about child's play. Children are...

    Jane Action |

  • Tooth Fairy Lunchbox

    Tooth Fairy Latest Victim of the Economy

    Cutting back on cable, new clothes and trips to the gas pump are all indicators of a bad economy, but when the Tooth Fairy starts shorting kids, you know things...

    DJ Jayasekara |

  • Sleeping Toddler

    Go Ahead and Sleep With Your Toddler, Study Says

    "After statistical adjustment for socio-demographic characteristics, there were no behavioral or cognitive differences at age 5 between children who bed-shared with a parent during their toddler years and those who...

    Jane Action |

  • Burrito Lunch Box

    Day 5 - The Kitchen Sink

    Well here we are, the 5th and final day of sandwich recipes found all over the web. Except today I took it upon myself to throw some ingredients together and...

    DJ Jayasekara |